Positive. Positive. Positive.

Sometimes, I find it hard to stay positive. Mostly because I used to be a very negative person. On this weight loss journey – I’ve been changing not only my body… but I’ve been changing my outlook on life. One of the things I’ve learned is that everyone has stress in life. But it’s our reaction to stress that makes us either a positive or a negative person. I’m becoming more of a positive person. I know I had a few posts that weren’t very positive (about me – being unemployed)… But other than those this blog has been a very positive outlet for me.

I’m so very thankful for all the comments/likes and even messages/texts that I get from everyone who has time out of their busy and stressful life to read about mine. I’m so glad that some of you see me as an inspiring person. I honestly never intended or thought that my writing this blog could inspire you. That means a lot to me.

On another positive note. I wanted to hold off on this good news until it was official- We got a new car! Actually a second car. The paperwork is done- everything went through. YAY!

Also, more exciting news… My best friend is going to get married this year! I’m so excited for her! I really wish I could be there with her. Today she is dress shopping, even though, that makes me sad- I didn’t get down about it. I know she has some pretty awesome people there with her. I’m there in spirit. Also, I created a Pinterest board with some ideas that I think she might like. Also, I suggested a style that I think would flatter her shape. I really miss my best friend Jenn. We aren’t in the same state or time zone right now, and that has been hard. But I’m so glad that she has a person that makes her happy and that she’ll spend the rest of her life with him – and they’ll eventually have little red-headed babies!!! AH!! So Cute! I’m imagining them now! haha!! I find comfort that even though I’m not physically there, we both want me to be there.

This is also a lesson I learned recently- when a person wants you in their life – they won’t be picky in what form or frequency you are able to be in their life. They’ll be happy you’re there and will make an equal effort to be in yours. Their are a lot of people who aren’t in my life… that I wish were. And I probably won’t talk about that on this blog- because I don’t like talking about it and because it’d be too hard to explain. But I found that instead of being sad about it – I can just be happy for them and what they are doing even if that doesn’t include me. That doesn’t mean that I don’t get sad, or angry or confused about why they choose not to be in my life… Because I do, and that’s my right. It’s also my right to express that. When that happens, I take a minute and feel what I’m feeling… then I just release it. I’m told that this is a healthy way to heal and react. I used to get too emotional about things. Mostly because I couldn’t control my emotions. This made it hard to have relationships with people. And I’ve really been practicing this with my husband. We were having problems communicating about certain things and our miscommunications always escalated into something that it shouldn’t have never gotten to. We had to reevaluate they way we were communicating. Because somewhere along the way  – it got to that. I was getting too emotional about things and it was hard for him to talk to me like that. So he would shut down. It’s okay for me to feel the things I feel- but I can’t let that emotion get in the way of the situation. And that’s what I was doing. Now, we are communicating much better. I really have to thank my more positive outlook on life, which I can attribute to my 90 Day Challenge. The definition of Challenge is below.


[chal-inj]  noun, verb, chal·lenged, chal·leng·ing, adjective


1. a call or summons to engage in any contest, as of skill, strength, etc.
2. something that by its nature or character serves as a call to battle, contest, special effort, etc.
3. a call to fight, as a battle, a duel, etc.
4. a demand to explain, justify, etc.
5. difficulty in a job or undertaking that is stimulating to one engaged in it.


My 90 day Challenge has been all that- and I’m not even finished transforming my life.

If it doesn’t Challenge you – it doesn’t Change you.

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6 responses to “Positive. Positive. Positive.”

  1. Becoming the Best Me says :

    I’ve needed this post this week. I am normally a very positive person but this week hasn’t been that positive.

    • naomisilas7 says :

      I’m glad this post was able to help you! I find myself in that situation sometimes – and reading your blog helps me too. I have to remember I’m not alone in this journey- because there are kindred spirits out there doing the same thing I’m doing!

      • Becoming the Best Me says :

        I’m glad my blog helps you as well! It’s really nice to know when there are other people going through the same journey as I am. It gives me motivation to keep going when I don’t feel like it.

  2. Jenn says :

    Being aware of your emotions is so important! Especially for you. I’m glad you’re working on this, I think you’ll find yourself happier and more in control when you’re aware of how your emotions effect your situation. As usual, so proud of you!

    You were SO there in spirit this weekend. I kept everything you always told me about wearing things that actually FIT in the back of my head this weekend. And also, how to make my boobs look good. Hahah. Good thing I have a lot of experience shopping with you. 🙂

    I’m looking forward to our chat tonight! Love you.

    • Jenn says :

      Ah, also… About feeling an emotion, acknowledging it, then releasing it… You’re so right. I need to keep this in mind too. I used to be better at this (when I was working out and meditating more, or at all) I need to do this again, it helps so so much.

      • naomisilas7 says :

        Thanks Jenn! I can’t wait to talk to you! I’ve really found clarity while working out and changing my lifestyle. Yoga is also really amazing- even though I don’t do it all the time. There’s something about getting proper nutrition, blood flow, and oxygen to the brain that really makes my thoughts clearer and intensifies them. My Challenge is really changing not just my body- but I’m growing as a person.

        You should start doing yoga again if you stopped! You’ll never regret a workout! Plus I hear planning a wedding is stressful… I really wish I was there to help you! If there’s anything I can do from our here like make calls / research let me know! Talk to you more about it later, of course!

        Also, I must admit… Most of what I learned about dressing for body types- I learned from What not to Wear… So I have to give some credit to Clinton and Kelly. Lol!!!

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