Tag Archive | Allergies

Springtime Allergies…

If you have allergies, you know how I feel. My eyes are itchy, burning and I’ve been sneezing and my face has been itchy as well. But if you live in SoCal, this doesn’t just happen in the spring – it’s whenever the weather changes and whenever the winds kick in. But the last few days have been extra dreadful. I also realized that my allergy pills were only 10 mg… and they usually work- but it was like I wasn’t even taking anything the last few days.

Yesterday, was a hard day for me, but I pushed through and walked at lunch but I did not work out at home. I felt very tired and my body was sore, so I rested. This morning I woke up and did Hip Hop Abs Total Body Burn with my ankle and glove weights. My body was on fire! My abs are still tight. I had my Body by Vi shake this morning with pineapple! Yumm! I made a quiche for lunch (and for few more days too) with broccoli, peppers, onions, garlic and spinach… yummy! I’m working on my water intake (2 out of 5 so far). I have a haircut scheduled and we might go for a walk later.

I have to remind myself why I started. It’s really easy for me to feel bad, and get lazy… and I can’t afford to do that because I have a goal that I want to reach. I have to build back up to that momentum and pace I was at before I got sick. I have been slacking.